Opinion: There’s No Such Thing as Overdressing

It wasn’t until recently that the idea that one’s clothes and overall appearance can be considered “too much” was something that really bothered me.

In high school, I always hated it when people would talk about girls who did their makeup and wore dresses to school saying that they were “trying too hard.”  Much of the snarky comments made implied that these girls’ style was attributed to a “pick me” attitude—making their choices in appearance out to be for the sole purpose of seeking the approval of male classmates.

This never did sit well with me because “overdressing” was always a comment made directly against girls.

People should be able to dress however they wish to express themselves even if to others it’s “overdressing.”  What I have learned is to embrace the “extra” and dress how I want to dress.   If I wake up and decide to go full on Bratz dolls to go to the post office, that’s what I will do. If you want to walk into a coffee shop at 7AM with eyeliner, rhinestones and heels, you should be able to and if others have a problem with it, it’s probably because they just can’t handle your greatness.

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