What’s Happening: Failed Coup at Capitol Hill

Today, a fascist, white supremacist, pro-Trump group of terrorists attempted a failed coup at Capitol Hill which was promoted and encouraged by Trump and numerous Republican politicians. 

This post is not intended to make light of or summarize the terrible occurrence, as I’m sure we have all been keeping up with the news in some way. This is a reminder to breathe and take care of yourself and your loved ones.

However, if you have not looked into the event as thoroughly as you should have, below I provide links to resources that will help you understand what happened on this day from various sources.

Background and photos from CNN

Coverage from The Guardian

[TW: death and violence] Updates from ABC News

Tweet from Congresswoman Cori Bush:

New Left Review Coverage

CFR: Domestic Terrorism Strikes US Capitol and Democracy

Georgia Senate Election: the one positive highlight from today

These are just a couple of resources out there. If you have not yet looked into the hypocrisy and racism of this group and their overzealous and inaccurately placed pride in America, which was further amplified by the Trump administration, I recommend you do so today. Thank you and take care.

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