What’s Happening: Stop Asian Hate

Anti-Asian sentiments have been historically rampant in the United States, and the recent events which have occurred show just how prevalent those sentiments are to this day. 

White supremacy has again led to these terrorist attacks and have let the white supremacists who committed these crimes receive little to no punishment. There must be proper consequences and change to gain justice for the lives lost due to racist people’s crimes. The US must undergo systemic change and reform in order to prevent the racist crimes committed by white supremecists in the future. 

Below are links to articles consisting of news coverage on the multiple Anti-Asian crimes and other resources. Please be aware that the links cover sensitive content that may be triggering for folks. 

Coverage of the Crime in Atlanta, Georgia (TW: Murder)

Coverage of Christian Halls’ Murder (TW: Murder, Police Brutality)

Ways to Support AAPI: Open the link below to see all the slides of the post 

Please let us know if you have any other resources or links you would like us to include on this page.

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