What’s Happening?: “Ode to Summer 21″– A quick freestyle

I am really, really, really excited for this summer. I grew up in a really strict household, and school was always my escape. So I haven’t had a summer where I could just wild out and do what I want. This summer is dedicated to the younger me that didn’t have much of a life. I wrote this quick poem to commemorate that feeling. This will be a summer of joy, love, life, and being in the present! Good luck ons your finals, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your time at ucklah!!! ❤

It’s time to start wearing less and going out more

Existing in this life often feels like a dragging chore. 

Drive down PCH, feel the breeze on my skin

Enjoying the summertime with my closest kin

Folks are tired of this simulated world

So in our joys and dreams, we danced and twirled.

Raspados and BBQ chicken, sugar cane and blunt smoke

Into the wind, we blew our frustrations, and our ancestors spoke, 

“Summer is meant for loving, money is meant to be spent, 

Space is here for sharing, live what you have dreamt”

As we all head back outside, 

I urge you to embrace the world, far and wide. 

The present is a gift we overlook sometimes

But this summer, take a beat, and enjoy life’s whimsical chimes.  

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