What’s Happening: An update on the COVID vaccination rates

It seems as though for the past 11 months, we have been waiting anxiously and patiently for vaccines to be developed so that we can “go back to normal.” Though the standards of what normal means has shifted as a result of a year of unprecedented and historic sociopolitical and environmental events, what we have been waiting for has arrived. Kind of. Vaccines are here and are getting into arms but it doesn’t seem to be getting administered as efficiently as they should. And progress on the vaccine distribution is always changing. The blogpost today will simply be an update on the latest status of the vaccine distributing process. Hopefully we can use it to gauge how soon we will get to reach our long desired herd immunity.

To track the vaccine distribution progress, the Guardian uses a tool to help readers visualize how far we are from reaching the 80% vaccinated goal of herd immunity. Currently (as of February 18) the state of CA has fully vaccinated 4.4% of the population. 8.6% of the population has received the first of two shots. Though these numbers are low, they are steadily and slowly increasing. 

The link to this vaccination tracker can be found here: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/feb/18/us-vaccine-distribution-tracker-by-state

Hoping that you all can continue to stay safe, healthy, and warm. And hopefully the next time I write a piece on What’s Happening, the statistics reveal a status much closer to our 80% goal.

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